2/13/2024 - Town of Darien Snow Removal Ordinance:

The Town of Darien Snow Removal Ordinance (Sec. 66-5) requires the owners of property abutting sidewalks to remove snow and ice from their sidewalks. The ordinance requires that this must be done “within 24 hours of the snow or ice being formed or having been deposited upon the abutting sidewalk.” The fine under the ordinance is $90.00 per day that the condition persists. As always, we try to take a reasonable and common sense approach to the enforcing of this ordinance. Town officials are looking first and foremost for voluntary compliance from property owners simply to ensure the safety of all pedestrians. Infractions, with the monetary fine attached, will be used when reasonable compliance efforts are not taken in a timely fashion.
That said, some reasonable effort must be made, especially in the high pedestrian usage areas such as around schools and in the commercial business districts to make the sidewalks passable. People walking in the street, especially around parked cars and mounds of snow which might hamper driver visibility, is very dangerous. Thank you for your cooperation.