Today is National Fentanyl Awareness Day. Talk to your children about their mental health and the risks of encountering illicitly manufactured fentanyl. Learn more at fentanylawarenessday.org/watch-and-talk #JustSayKNOW
Fentanyl is 50X stronger than heroin and present in many illegal drugs (pills and powders) teens might come across. Most kids don’t understand the dangers of fentanyl. Spread the word and find more resources at fentanylawarenessday.org. #JustSayKNOW
Fake pills and fentanyl have changed the drug landscape and are driving the recent increase in US drug overdose deaths. Learn more at http://fentanylawarenessday.org and spread the word to save a life. #NationalFentanylAwarenessDay
Do you know where your pill or powder came from? Unless you got it from a pharmacy or your doctor, it could
contain a lethal dose of fentanyl. Protect yourself and your friends by learning the facts and spreading the word at
fentanylawarenessday.org. #NoRandomPills
Fentanyl is used to make fake pills disguised as Oxycontin, Percocet and Xanax. You can’t fix real stress with
fake pills. Take action and help your friends find the support they really need. For more information head to
fentanylawarenessday.org. #NoRandomPill