Administrative Services Bureau
The mission of the Darien Police Department's Administrative Services Bureau is to ensure the operational readiness of Department equipment and personnel, facilitate the legal system in support of both civil and criminal procedure, maintain transparency with the public, reduce exposure to liability, foster efficiency, and instill confidence in the professionalism of the Department. These ends are accomplished through professional recruitment and training, cost effective procurement and maintenance, optimizing Department technology, and engaging in quality control activities.
The following Divisions and functions fall under the command of the Administrative Services Bureau Captain:
Captain Andrew Mastroianni, a nineteen-year veteran, was promoted to the rank of Captain and is currently assigned to the Administrative Services Bureau. Capt. Mastroianni’s previous role was serving as the Training Division Lieutenant, where he was responsible for the planning and coordinating of trainings for both sworn and non-sworn personnel and responsible for all phases of recruitment and hiring, initial orientation, basic recruit training, and FTO training for new officers. Capt. Mastroianni served as a Field Training Officer and is currently a POSTC certified instructor in Use of Force and Firearms. He is also a 13-year member of the Southwest Regional Emergency Response Team.
Captain Mastroianni graduated as the ‘Top Shot’ of his Police Academy Training Class in 2006. He’s the recipient of numerous awards and commendations throughout his career, that include: eleven-time department top shot, two-time outstanding performance for top motor vehicle arrests, outstanding performance for top criminal arrests, life-saving award, and a meritorious service award.
In 2014, he served as Acting Sergeant in the Patrol Division. In 2015 he was appointed to the Detective Division. In 2016 he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant and in 2021 he promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.
Captain Mastroianni earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Justice and Law Administration with a minor in Business Administration from Western Connecticut State University in 2005 and a Master’s Degree in Criminal Justice from Sacred Heart University in 2014.
Contact Information
Captain Andrew Mastroianni
Administrative Services Bureau Commander
Phone: (203) 662-5313