Darien Police Department 

Mission Statement

The mission of the Darien Police Department is to preserve and enhance the quality of life for residents of Darien. This is done by enforcing laws and ordinances, preserving rights of citizens, reducing fear and maintaining order. The Department is committed to “Pride in Excellence” by treating citizens with courtesy, professionalism, impartiality, and respect.

The Darien Police Department is comprised of 53 sworn officers, 18 traffic agents, 12 civilian employees and is headquartered at 25 Hecker Avenue in Darien, CT. The Department maintains a fleet of 30 vehicles which includes 13 marked patrol units, a motorcycle, a 27-foot SAFEboat, a special services vehicle, undercover vehicles and administrative vehicles. The Department acts as the Public Safety Answering Point for all 911 and non-emergency Police, Fire and medical-related calls within the Town of Darien, CT.

Please explore our website to learn more about our Agency's Divisions, Specialized Units and the services we provide to the Town of Darien.